Unmistakable Elegance. Unmatched Camaraderie.

As the renaissance of Downtown Los Angeles continues, The California Club remains the city’s premier social club – a prestigious position held by The Club for well over a century. Appealing to L.A.’s innovators and influencers, our Members appreciate a retreat from the bustling outside world. Combined with a sense of tradition, distinct decorum and mutual respect, The California Club serves as a home-away-from-home for our Members and their Guests.
Offering an experience that transcends generations, our legacy honors the history that defines us while aiming to serve our members with the highest standards. The Club provides an intimate sanctuary of supportive membership, meaningful relationships and incomparable camaraderie while upholding the city’s finest experience of elegance.
Personalized Service. Incomparable Dedication.
Members of The California Club and their Guests experience what makes our Club one of the most unique in the world. Every interaction is an individualized experience defined by singular detail and exceptional value.
We want you to have more time to do what you love. The Club is a comfortable refuge that provides a place for Members to balance their many priorities and interests.
You can discover the culture and community of The California Club through our signature events and tailored Member experiences.